Industrial Stack Painting & Refinishing
Since stacks tower above power plants, manufacturing facilities, and factories, industrial chimneys and smokestacks are vulnerable to corrosion and weathering. On occasion, these structures need to be repainted or coated to enhance their appearance and avert corrosion or deterioration. Prepping the surface of a smokestack and applying the best industrial coatings and paint requires a highly qualified contractor with the right skills and experience. Smoke stack painting is an important part of upkeep and should be performed every few years to protect your stack and assets.
Stack Painting & Coating Experts
Industrial Access offers quality painting, coating, and refinishing of industrial chimneys and smokestacks. High stacks, incinerator stacks, flare stacks, and high-heat stacks are no match for Industrial Access. Our team will quickly assess, mobilize, and access the surface in need of painting, regardless of the height or structure. We work with specialized rope access equipment and a highly trained workforce ready for high angle & high heat painting projects. Smokestack painting projects can be customized to the exact needs and environment of your facility.
We respect that clients require jobs to be completed on time, on budget, and in line with the highest safety standards, and Industrial Access specializes in these high angle, difficult-access projects. Make sure that the public looks at your facility and sees a well-maintained industrial chimney or smokestack, and not a deteriorating structure that has been ignored for years.
Check out this time-lapse video sample of a stack painting project we recently completed. Contact Industrial Access to discuss your coating and smokestack painting needs.
Contact IA for all of your Smokestack Painting or Coating needs
877-697-9337 | 770-255-1313 –