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One of the most important structural components to always keep an eye on in concrete silos is the interior roof beam system and its condition. Roof beams rely on the structural integrity of beam pockets to ensure support for silo roof and equipment. Regular wear-and-tear as well as improper use cause beam pockets and their surrounding concrete to gradually deteriorate, leaving the roof at risk for collapse. Industrial Access has years of experience in diagnosing beam pocket failure and developing repair strategies to ensure safe silo operation.


Minimal shutdown time required for defects caught early


Cost-effective, reliable repair solutions


Track record for high level of safety standards


Silo roof beams are one of the key structural systems requiring regular inspections and maintenance. Roof beams, which support the weight of the roof slab and other heavy equipment, rest inside beam pockets that play an important role in the structural integrity of a silo and its roof. Different circumstances such as environmental factors, thermal expansion, exceeding equipment and buildup weight limits, and improper roof design can cause spalling in the concrete surrounding the beam pockets. This leaves the beam pockets at risk for failure, which can eventually lead to silo roof collapse. The presence of these risks can be caught during an inspection, examining any signs of concrete disintegration and cracking. Industrial Access (IA) can provide the necessary tools and expertise to address silo roof beam pocket failure.


The engineers and technicians at IA are experienced professionals at providing rigging and unique access solutions to tricky, hard-to-access environments. Each access approach is developed with close attention to the client’s structure and situation. IA technicians are certified by the Society of Professional Rope Access (SPRAT) with years of experience in rope access techniques and rigging to deliver services at maximized efficiency and safety. In addition, custom access solutions such as swing stages and scaffolding can be designed and installed to enable the repairs.


When a silo shows signs of concrete shell spalling near the roof, our IA team promptly investigates the potentially compromised areas. Our experts perform a thorough visual inspection and Schmidt hammer testing to assess the damage accurately. Based on the client’s needs and the specific situation, IA develops a tailored remedial repair strategy. Solutions may include concrete restoration and the installation of additional beam support.

To restore the concrete on the silo's exterior shell, the process begins with a comprehensive washing and cleaning to remove debris and loose concrete. Any exposed steel reinforcement during this process will be cleaned, coated, and protected. Various conditions such as deep cracking, spalling, delaminating, beam movement and many others can indicate beam pocket failure. Our experienced IA engineers are experts at developing repair methods to address this failure mode. These methods may involve concrete repair, redistributing the beam load to other parts of the structure, and modifying connection points to allow appropriate movement.


Custom-engineered repair services delivered to failing roof beam pockets will ensure that the structural steel roof support system has the capacity to carry the expected load and that the silo is structurally sound and safe to operate. Beam pocket damage is a common occurrence especially in older silos. Regular inspections and maintenance can help catch the signs of deterioration early and allow for efficient repairs.

For additional information about our company and services we provide, please give us a call anytime

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