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Denver CO NDT

Rope Access Non Destructive Testing

IA Denver Division provides rope access non-destructive testing (NDT) services for industrial chimneys and smokestacks at facilities in Denver CO, Lakewood CO, Fort Morgan CO, Brush CO, La Junta CO, and Farmington NM area.

Industrial Access Inc. / Denver CO Office
3773 Cherry Creek Dr, Suite 575  Denver, CO 80209 | (303) 722-3224

Non- Destructive Testing Services for Denver CO

NDT Testing Denver

Smokestacks and industrial chimneys are susceptible to constant wear-and-tear from wind, weather, regular operational usage, and chemical attacks from exhaust. Because concrete, metal, and masonry materials will deteriorate under any of these conditions, it's important to have non-destructive testing performed with industrial chimney and smokestack inspections to determine the structural integrity of each component.

Non-destructive tests can be performed to quickly and easily identify vulnerabilities in the internal and external components of a structure. Our crew utilizes rope access methods to reach all important areas of an industrial chimney or smokestack to ensure a close up examination of the entire structure.

Don’t let your production or facility come to a standstill due to a chimney system failure. Having your industrial chimney or smokestack regularly inspected and monitored with non-destructive testing will help identify potential problems and fix them before they turn into expensive structural failures.

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Services in Colorado

Non Destructive Examination for Industrial Chimney / Stack in Denver CO

NDT methods are designed to examine the condition & strength of a structure. Because age and usage can cause industrial chimneys and smokestacks to quickly deteriorate, scheduling regular NDT services with inspections can prevent structural failure that can lead to unplanned, expensive outages. Our rope access NDT methods are designed to not affect the usefulness or performance of the component, and quickly determine if repairs or maintenance is required. No physical samples are taken or parts removed, and no damage is done to the structure in any way.

The team at our Denver CO Rope Access Division uses Non-Destructive Testing to establish baseline measurements so we can then compare subsequent periodic readings of a structure’s characteristics, including material’s surface hardness, density, thickness and temperature.  These details can support sound choices for future repair or replacement expenditures.

Types of NDT for Denver CO Services

There are a number of NDT methods that allow our crew to determine structural integrity:

Structural Testing / NDT Testing for Denver CO Industrial Chimneys

  • Hot Camera Inspections - an insulated video camera is lowered down the operating chimney or smokestack while it is still online. This examination can identify & detect large deficiencies like damaged or missing brickwork and deteriorating liners.
  • Infrared Thermography - measures differences in surface temperature at various coordinates on the structure to identify missing or damaged refractory holes, cracks, or leaks, along with failing expansion joints, gaskets or valves.
  • Schmidt Hammer Testing - this NDT method estimates the strength of concrete based on surface hardness along with resistance to penetration. This is the most frequently used method worldwide for non-destructive testing of concrete and structural components on industrial chimneys and smokestacks and other concrete structures.
  • Laser Surveys - measures the distance, angle, and physical characteristics of a structure to determine if any deviations have developed over the course of its operation. All measurements taken during the survey are then compared to the data from its original construction measurements.
  •  Ultrasonic Thickness Testing - measures the relative thickness of a material at various intervals to determine if any areas are thinning or deteriorating.

Since non-destructive tests are comparatively inexpensive, efficient, and require little to no facility outages, they have become a popular choice for testing structural integrity.

Industrial Access, Inc. Denver Rope Access Division provides Non-Destructive Testing and Structural Assessments Denver CO, Colorado Springs CO, Pueblo CO, Boulder CO, Lakewood CO, Fort Morgan CO, Brush CO, La Junta CO, and Farmington NM area.

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