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Vinyl Ester Resin

Vinyl Ester Resin Lining System Repair

Vinyl Ester Resin lining systems are used in a number of industrial applications from chemical processing, water treatment and air pollution control, to mineral processing.

Vinyl Ester Resin industrial liner repairThis type of resin liner provides unparalleled corrosion resistance in fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) tanks, stacks & chimneys, ducting, pipes, scrubbers, and other components. Exceptional durability, high heat resistance, and minimal maintenance requirements make Vinyl Ester Resin liners perfect for most challenging industrial environments.

This type of lining system is used for medium duty protection of steel or concrete substrates and structures. Composed of chemical-resistant materials, Vinyl Ester Resin liners provide excellent resistance to alkalies, acids and a broad range of chemicals. Used mainly in steel & concrete tank linings, many clients choose this lining system due to its low cost and ease of installation.

Industrial Access installs and repairs Vinyl Ester Resin liners in vessels, ducts, pipes, chimneys & smokestacks, and more. Our skilled technicians have years of industry experience to make installation, maintenance, and repairs go quickly and with little downtime. Contact us today to discuss Vinyl Ester Resin lining solutions for your industrial plant, facility, or mill.

industrial chimney Lining Solutions For Your FacilityLining Solutions For Your Facility

To speak to an expert, and to find out more about our Vinyl Ester Resin lining services, contact us at: 877-697-9337 | 770-255-1313 – info@industrialaccess.com

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