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Refractory Lining

Refractory Lining System Repair

Industrial Access has the ability and expertise to install Refractory liners for chimneys and smokestacks in industrial facilities, refineries, paper mills, and power plants.

industrial stack refractory lining repair

Our specialized equipment and skilled workforce are trained for all rigging and performing high angle projects, such as installing, repairing, or resurfacing Refractory linings.

Refractory linings have a high melting point, making them suitable for industrial applications requiring wear resistance, high temperature strength, electrical or thermal insulation or other specialized characteristics.

Industrial Access is here to assess the condition of your current refractory brick liner, or install a brand new liner system in existing structures or new construction. Whether you need Refractory liner installation or preventative maintenance on your industrial chimney, or stack, Industrial Access is the best option for all Refractory lining services.

Our custom engineered solutions, expert installers, and highly skilled project managers will have your Refractory Brick projects done on time, on budget, and with minimal downtime so production is not stalled. Contact Industrial Access today to discuss our solutions for Refractory Brick installation, maintenance, replacement and repair.

steel stack liner repair

Lining Solutions For Your Facility

To speak to an expert, and to find out more about our Refractory Brick lining services, contact us
at: 877-697-9337 | 770-255-1313 – info@industrialaccess.com

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