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Cement & Lime


  • Rigging of the existing stack for removal
  • Stack demolition
  • Rigging and placing of the new stack spools
  • Installation of the new assembly


A severely deteriorated lime kiln stack was in need of a full replacement. Industrial Access was contracted for this project to perform stack demolition services and install the new custom design structure. A crane was utilized to carry the spools, and the process of removing and replacing the stack was complete in 2 days, ensuring that the plant’s outage period is kept to a minimum.


2-3 days without mobilization


Project completed during a pre-scheduled outage


Project completed with no safety compromises


A lime plant in the southern U.S. was in need of a replacement for their 156’ deteriorated kiln stack. The structure’s steel surfaces had oxidized and corroded, resulting in holes throughout the stack. The occurring leakage of flue gases affected the working areas around the stack and needed to be repaired in order to prevent further damage and ultimate collapse in the future.


Because of the unique shape of this lime kiln stack, Industrial Access (IA) incorporated a combination of different access methods—a crane, scaffolding and rope access—to deliver the services safely and effectively. More access openings were cut in the deteriorated stack for rigging purposes to assist in the demolition process.


The first stage was demolition of the existing kiln stack. Using a wheel grinder, the structure was cut into three strategic sections. Prior to removal, IA’s team prepped each section for safe demolition by cutting holes in the stack, installing lift beams and rigging them. The stack was removed using a crane which lifted the cut sections one at a time from the top down. This also included sections of the existing guild supports.

Prior to mobilization, IA ordered a vendor fabrication of the new single-walled 316L stainless steel kiln stack designed to meet the existing required structural codes of the plant. The order arrived as scheduled in four separate spools with additional pieces for field assembly. IA performed some necessary on-site fabrication and minor alterations based on field conditions. The spools were rigged, lifted by the crane, and erected one by one in place of the demolished kiln stack. A new expansion joint was installed over the fan replacing the existing damper. Two new access doors were added at each platform, and new support rings and guilds were fabricated and installed.


The demolition and replacement of the lime kiln stack was completed successfully and efficiently in a span of a couple of days. The new stainless steel stack will help ensure the safety and structural integrity of the whole surrounding system. Even when a structure is newly replaced, IA recommends facilities to adopt regular inspection and maintenance plans to ensure the new structure is properly taken care of for maximized longevity.

For additional information about our company and services we provide, please give us a call anytime

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