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Mechanical Services


Steel & Metals


  • Demolition of three stacks & their ductwork joints
  • Replacement of demolished stacks
  • Repair of surrounding concrete
  • Repair of flashing on roof penetration
  • Replacement of ductwork lateral, joints & reducer
  • Replacement of baghouse & substation roofs


Three steel stacks and their ductwork in a steel manufacturing facility were exhibiting severe structural deterioration. IA Mechanical was contracted to replace and repair the damaged areas. Three stacks and their associated ductwork were replaced and patched up, and additional repairs such as the damaged baghouse roof replacement were carried out to ensure safety on site and longevity of the client’s structural assets.


Project completed in about 7 weeks


Completed during a pre-scheduled outage


Completed without any near misses or safety incidents


A steel manufacturing facility was experiencing structural degradation of their three 43’ single-wall steel exhaust stacks. The stacks exhibited severe buckling and deformation in their steel shells. Associated ductwork was also in poor condition with signs of oxidation, corrosion damage, and deformation. In order to continue safe and efficient operation at the plant, the damaged structures were ordered to be replaced.


IA Mechanical incorporated a combination of different access methods to deliver the services effectively. Crane support was utilized to safely remove existing stack and duct sections as well as carry over the new parts for installation. Scaffolding systems were erected around the stacks to provide access for the crew and ensure efficient demolition and installation of stacks and ducts.


IA Mechanical crew first demolished the existing deteriorated stacks and ductwork. Three steel stacks, their caps, ladders, platforms, and associated apparatus were cut into parts, rigged, and carefully removed from the building. Stacks 2 and 3 were removed down to the water jackets on third floor and Stack 1 was removed down to the WYE joint above the two water jackets. Existing ductwork for each of the three stacks was disconnected from the other tie-in ducts inside the building. Several sections in ductwork laterals were demolished to be replaced.

Newly fabricated steel stacks and ductwork parts were rigged, hoisted, and installed into their designated tie-in points, all according to the design approved by the client. IA Mechanical replaced three stacks and their support rings, fitted up and tied in the inlet pipes to the stacks, seal welded the joints, installed new duct sections, adapters, and expansion joints to the new stacks and properly tied them into existing ductwork.

The concrete surrounding the support rings for the three stacks was repaired. Flowable grout was used for curb repairs, and a bonding agent was applied to facilitate bonding with existing material. Subsequently, the support rings were placed onto the stacks. In addition, the flashing between the stacks and their roof penetration points were replaced and appropriately sealed. Stack skirting was installed and welded with water-tight protection against leakage.

Lastly, the damaged baghouse roof was replaced with 24-gauge roof panels. IA Mechanical replaced the flashing, secured it and sealed with RTV silicone. The client also ordered an additional work item to replace the roof of the existing substation that was experiencing water leaks. The new roof features a 24-inch truss system for enhanced structural support.


The replacement and repair strategy for the three exhaust stacks and their ductwork was completed safely and successfully, improving the facility’s operational capacity and ensuring safety and efficiency of the site. Severe deterioration and buckling in steel stacks pose a high risk for collapse and subsequent costly repairs if left unaddressed. However, no matter the situation at hand, IA Mechanical is equipped with the necessary technologies and expertise to engineer and deliver the best repair solutions to our clients.

Professional stack and ductwork rebuilds in Houston TX

For additional information about our company and services we provide, please give us a call anytime

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