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Industrial Chimney & Smokestack Inspections

Don’t let your production or facility come to a standstill due to a chimney system failure. Having your industrial chimney or smokestack regularly inspected and monitored will help identify potential problems and fix them before they turn into expensive unplanned outages or structural failures.

Industrial Access provides complete industrial chimney repairs, inspections and structural testing for chimney and stack building materials, such as concrete, brick, steel, & FRP (fiber reinforced polymer). We are prepared to assess breaching ducts, tanks, silos, and other industrial structures. We provide thorough smoke stack inspection services for power plant stacks, boiler stacks, manufacturing stacks, and a range of other smoke stack structures. Stack cleaning is also available as part of a regular maintenance plan.

Industrial Access offers structural and chemical attack analysis, video & photograph recordings, and detailed & concise inspection reports that meet the highest industry standards.

industrial chimney inspection in Meridian MS

Three classes of smokestack inspections:

Class I Inspections

Class I is a visual inspection that can be performed while the chimney or smoke stack is operating.  A chimney technician first inspects the structure using binoculars from ground level, then performs a close-up visual inspection from access ladders, platforms or other accessible vantage points. With the stack online, we can use Infrared Thermography to check for "hot spots" that could indicate liner damage or flue gas leakage. Generally, Class I Inspections are conducted at least once a year to help identify potential threats that could turn into expensive problems.

Class II Inspections

This class of inspection is performed with the chimney or smokestack off-line.  Using our rope access techniques, we are able to take a close look at the inside and the outside of the structure. Our crew installs the required rigging to the top of the stack. Chimney technicians then descend down the entire elevation of the stack, both outside and inside, to note & document the structure's current condition and any abnormalities, damage, or potential hazards. A thorough inspection of the liner and annulus is performed.  Depending on the structure's condition, a Class II inspection may also include:

  • Nondestructive assessment of thickness and weld condition on steel chimneys and flue liners
  • Nondestructive assessment of FRP liners
  • Installing crack monitoring equipment on concrete or brick chimneys and smoke stacks
  • Full or partial thickness core samples of concrete for laboratory assessment of acid attack, material degradation, remaining strength and corrosion susceptibility  

smokestack chimney inspection in Los Angeles CA

Class III Inspections

Class III Inspections are generally associated with unique circumstances that require an in-depth and expansive examination of a the smoke stack for safety and stability. If your industrial chimney, power plant stack, boiler stack, or other smoke stack structure was damaged due to severe weather, earthquakes, explosions, overheating, or other natural disasters, a Class III Inspection should be performed immediately to ensure that the structure does not pose any safety hazards.

A Class III inspection should also be performed before any significant structural modifications to a chimney or liner, such as increasing height or installing additional platforms or breechings.  All aspects of the Class II Inspection are performed, plus physical samples and tests are taken, analyzed, and included in the engineering review.

We can also perform a hot camera inspection that allows us to inspect a chimney or stack while it is online (up to 600 °F).

IA’s Inspections Services include:

  • Interior & Exterior Climbing Inspections
  • UAV (Unmaned Aerial Vehicle) Inspections
  • Binocular & Telephoto Zoom Video Inspections
  • Recorded Closed-Circuit Television Smokestack Inspections
  • Infrared Temperature Profiles, Laser Surveys, Ultrasonic Thickness Testing, and Core Sampling
  • Structural Analysis

smokestack inspectionExamination of the Following

    • Lightning Protection System
    • Brickwork & Mortar Joints
    • Protective Coatings
    • Structural Steel Embedments
    • Access Ladders and Safety Rails
    • Platforms and Structural Support Steel
    • Breachings and Ducts
    • Liner (Brick, Steel, FRP, Refractory)
  • Post-Inspection Verbal Report
  • Detailed Inspection Reports (Contains repair recommendations & budgetary costs)

During an industrial chimney inspection, we can also perform Petrographic testing which examines numerous characteristics of concrete to determine if there is a problem in the condition of the structure. It can identify the underlying cause or reason a concrete structure has failed.

Contact Industrial Access today to discuss inspection options that will fit your facility’s needs. 877-697-9337 | 770-255-1313 - info@industrialaccess.com

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