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Increasing Demand for Rope Access & Drone Inspection Services

rope access servicesInspection and maintenance work has been increasing in demand for rope access service companies due to the time & cost-saving benefits rope access offers. Facility managers & plant owners across a range of industries from mining to manufacturing, to coal, energy, and even oil drilling, have come to realize how efficient and effective rope access services are for tall structures, hard-to-access equipment, and tight spaces where heavy machinery is not applicable. Maintenance budgets are often under strain, especially during tough economic environments and utilizing rope access methods to carry out certain inspection and maintenance scopes means companies can get their budgets to stretch further and ensure effective and safe operations.
Better & Faster Inspection Services
Undertaking routine yearly inspections can be expensive and time consuming if done with other traditional access methods like scaffolding, helicopters, or cranes.  Other technological advances in inspection methods, such as UAV Drones, have recently been added to the mix of rope access services to improve and speed up the accuracy of inspection services. The team here at Industrial Access offers ELIOS Drone preliminary inspection flights to help locate deficiencies & determine the extent of damages and to gain pertinent information on areas that are not easily accessible. By combining the technology of drones for inspections and the quick & effective maintenance methods of rope access, companies can save money and avoid production downtime.

Increased Site & Project Safety

Plants, manufacturing facilities, and oil refineries are an inherently dangerous environment – where height and confined spaces are two of the most obvious aspects for safety concerns – both of which are made safer when using professional rope access services. Because rope access allows technicians to quickly mobilize and complete projects faster than other means of access, technicians spend less time up in the air or in tight or dangerous locations. Every technician is SPRAT certified and passes rigorous training and continuing education to ensure superb safety standards which is much higher than other construction or maintenance methods.

Rope Access vs Scaffolding & Temporary Structures

Many plant maintenance managers often choose more traditional means of access for inspection & repairs or maintenance tasks which require shutdowns and/or downtime and can end up costing a premium. In doing so, companies end up spending a large portion of the project budget to erect and break down these access systems or to pay for heavy machinery to come in to provide access for service companies. Rope access, on the other hand, is quick to set up, quick to deploy, and quick to dismantle which exponentially reduces the cost of set up & tear down and reduces man hours on a project, helping to save on the overall project budget.

drone inspection services

ELIOS Drone used for preliminary Inspection Services.

Industrial Access, Inc. has recognized the growing demand for rope access inspection & maintenance services, especially when it is accompanied with Drone technology to increase the speed & accuracy of inspections. We have tens of thousands of service hours between our crew of professional rope access technicians. Whether you are looking for NDT & structural integrity inspections, industrial chimney & smokestack repairs and maintenance services, or crane & machinery inspections, the team of engineers and rope access technicians are here to help. Contact us today to find out how we can utilize rope access methods to save money, decrease or eliminate downtime & shutdowns, or provide efficient and effective maintenance and repair services at a fraction of the cost of traditional access means.

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